A traditional Advent wreath is made of evergreens and has 3 violet candles and 1 pink candle. A new candle is lit each week with the pink being lit on the 3rd week.
As the Messiah's "Advent" or "coming" draws nearer another candle is lit, with each candle dispelling the darkness a little more.
The circular shape symbolizes God's never ending love for us-a love that sent his Son into the world to redeem us from the curse of sin. It also represents eternal life through our faith in Christ.
Violet is a liturgical color that is used to signify a time of prayer, penance, and sacrifice and is used during Advent and Lent.
Click here for Printable Advent Wreath. There are prayers included as well. Enjoy preparing for the coming of our Savior on Christmas Day.
Thank you for your Fall commitments and donations towards our Holiday Market. We have religious articles and other items from our Holiday Market that we will be selling after Mass on the weekends of Dec 10th and 17th and at our Mercado on the 21st. If you are able to help during either of these weekends, please call Maggie at the office. The school receives 50% of the funds from each item.
We officially kicked off our Annual Appeal on #GivingTuesday. We are united in faith as a community and share a mission of educating our youth. Through the grace of God, St. Anthony Catholic School has proudly provided a loving, nurturing educational environment for children in the mid-valley community for more than 75 years. Part of our mission is to make our education affordable and accessible to all God’s children, and you can join this mission through our 2023 Annual Appeal.
This year, our theme is One Faith, One Community, One Mission. Your generosity provides a helping hand to every member of our community because it goes directly to support the needs of the school. Examples of areas the funds provide for are:
Donations can be made by filling out the pledge card below and mailing or returning it to the school office. You can also securely and easily donate online at www.saintanthonyeagles.com/general-donation-1.
Please share this information with other friends and family of SAS.
Thank you Chef Loya for a wonderful Thanksgiving Lunch that we were able to share with each other. We look forward to more of these opportunities through the year.
After Mass, we will return to the school. You are invited to join us for Las Posadas. We will begin at 9:30 in the 5th grade room. We will move from classroom to classroom until we arrive in the gym. We will have a school celebration before each grade returns to their rooms for their own parties.