In your Internet browser, navigate to and click Family Log in.
Select FACTS Family Portal.
Type your school's district code (STAN-TX), your username, and password.
When Family Portal displays, click if the left navigation menu does not display.
Click Student, then select Lunch.
Click the student name for which you wish to place an order. The Lunch Order Form expands listing each date an order may be placed.
Click the date to place an order.
Type the number of items to order for the student in the Quantity column. The Total column displays the cost.
Repeat for all dates and all students. The Grand Total is listed at the bottom.
Click Submit Order. The Online Lunch Payment screen displays after you place your order.
Type payment information and click Submit. Please wait a few seconds for the payment transaction to complete. An email confirmation of your payment will be sent to you: School Lunch Payment Received.