$200 Registration Fee due at time of enrollment*
$350 Early Registration by March 1, 2024*
$400 Registration after March 1, 2024*
$500 Book/Materials/Technology due June 1, 2024
Full-time and half-time enrollment is available. A full day is considered as 4 or more hours. Half-time is a child that attends 10 or fewer full days or attends everyday for less than 4 hours. Eagle's Nest tuition is paid on a monthly basis.
Tuition is payable over a period of eleven (11) months starting July 1, 2024 thru May 1, 2025 or twelve (12) months starting June 1, 2024 thru May 1, 2025.
St. Anthony Catholic School admits students of any sez, race, color, nationality, ethinic origin and religion to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not descriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, or religion in admission policies, the administration of its educationl policies, financialaid assistance, or others.